NOTE TO SELF: Stop worrying

How true are these words, I think we can all relate to this post one way or another. Worrying can sometimes feel like a full-time Job but God has better plans for us. Don't miss out on this post

Dear Fifteen-Year-Old Me,

Right now, you’re a few years away from a lot of big landmarks happening in your life. The future is bright, and you’re well on your way to discovering the person that God made you to be. I don’t regret anything you did or will choose to do as you get older, because all of the choices you made and will make have helped to shape me into who I am today. However, there’s a few things I think you should know, to help knock out some of the stumbling blocks you’ll face along your journey.
Your biggest enemy in life is fear of the unknown. It’s Satan’s way of getting under your skin and making you feel worthless and weak, and is going to become more difficult to manage as you get older and have more responsibilities thrown onto your plate. You don’t realize it now, because you don’t have much to worry about yet. But soon, the world is going to seem like a much bigger place and you’re going to seem much smaller. You’re going to constantly worry about what people think of you, or about whether or not you’re “good enough” at anything you do. You’ll worry about grades, relationships, money, religion, physical appearance, jobs. You’ll worry about death and sickness and war. You’ll make yourself miserable countless times because of it.
There’s two pieces of Scripture that are going to strengthen you. The first is Jeremiah 29:11 - “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.’” Hold onto this one whenever you start to feel afraid. Trust is something that you have a hard time doing, and the sooner you start to put it into practice, the stronger you’ll be when you face your fears. God has given you gifts and passions - follow them! Seriously. He knows what He’s doing in your life and has a purpose for you, and sometimes, that divine love and purpose is going to be the only thing that you have to cling to. Believe it with all of your heart.
The second Scripture is Philippians 4:6 - “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.” This one is going to be difficult for you to remember. You’re accustomed to worrying instead of praying, and it’s going to take a life transformation to help you learn to give your fears to God. Start putting it into practice now, it’s probably one of the most important things you can do. I struggle with this concept every day and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. Just remember that it goes hand in hand with the verse from Jeremiah, and it all comes down to letting God take the reins. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to trust His plans.
You’re on the right path. Life is awesome, and the next decade of your life is going to be one of the most amazing times of transformation and growth for you! You’re going to figure out your passions, start a life of your own, and meet the man of your dreams. (Yes, he exists!) Continue to be a blessing to others, remember what a blessing your own life is, and try not to take too much time out of it by worrying. It’s too good to waste that way.
Twenty-Year-Old Me

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